Nicolas V.
Offensive Security Consultant | Pentester | Software Architect/Engineer @Calypt/LEXFO

Professional Experience

2022 - present Calypt/Lexfo Offensive Security Consultant | Pentester
2021 - 2022 Adrenalyse Software Engineer Intern, Freelancer


2021 - 2022 Master of Science in Cybersecurity, Grenoble-INP UGA
2019 - 2022 Diplôme d'Ingénieur (MSc. in Engineering), Grenoble-INP ENSIMAG

Technologies I used professionally, hover for details

4+ years Go Experience 3+ years Cybersecurity Experience
  • Extensively studied software security, code analysis and secure programming.
  • Conducted workstation, server, firewalls and SaaS platforms configuration audits and hardening: Linux, Windows, Fortigate, Palo Alto, Zscaler, Okta, Github, Gitlab, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Microsoft 365 services, ...
  • Implemented various attacks on embedded devices : SPA, DPA, CPA, fault attack on AES, ...
  • Took part in several application audits (web, iOS, Android and thick client), red team, internal audits and phishing campaigns.
  • Technical certifications and compliance audits.
  • Standardisation of EDR and email gateways assessments through MITRE ATT&CK® TTPs and custom tools.
1+ years ML, probability and statistics Experience
  • Applied Hugging Face TensorFlow transformer models to a Natural Language Inference challenge.
  • Studied different neural networks to solve the MNIST problem (VGG2, LeNet-5, ...).
  • Studied the German tank problem using MLE, method of moments, eCDF and EVMU.
  • Applied random processes modeling as Markov Processes for performance evaluation : quality of service, loss analysis, robustness and contention of queueing systems.
  • Implemented several CAPTCHA bypass services leveraging OCR and images analysis techniques.
5+ years Web Experience
  • Created a few web apps and APIs over the past 5 years : Go, Java, Node.js or Python for backend development / Javascript, Alpine.js and WASM for frontend development.
  • Design and development of a fulltext pentesting reports search web application leveraging meilisearch (Nuxt 3).
  • Developped and deployed a Word to Powerpoint pentesting reports converter entirely in a web browser using WebAssembly (Pyodide).
3+ years C Experience 1+ years Rust Experience 3+ years Cloud Experience
  • App deployment and orchestration with Docker and Docker Compose.
  • GCP experience : TPUs and GPUs, IAM, Compute Engine, Cloud Run.
  • Conducted cloud platforms configuration audits and hardening: AWS, GCP, Azure.
6+ years Python Experience
  • Implemented numerical analysis methods for solving the Debye-Huckel and Poisson-Boltzmann equations.
  • Extensive usage of matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, scipy and pandas. See for instance how I solved a linear optimization problem using the Hungarian algorithm.
  • Wrote a lot of scripts for data processing.
  • Developed several web applications with Django, Flask and FastAPI : applying TDD, implementing TOTP-base authentication, ...
  • Implemented several CAPTCHA bypass services leveraging OCR and images analysis techniques.
  • Developed and deployed a Word to Powerpoint pentesting reports converter entirely in the web browser using WebAssembly (Pyodide).
2+ years Java Experience
  • Wrote a web app with Tomcat, servlets and JavaSE-14 extensively using common design patterns : Front Controller, DAO, Strategy, Factory Method, Chain of Responsability, ...
  • Implementation of a Discrete Event Simulation (DES) graphical desktop application : design patterns, A* pathfinding algorithm, e2e tests.
  • Designed a compiler for a subset of an advanced language. The main points were compliance with requirements, software design, validation and verification techniques, quality process.
  • Performed several source code audit for clients in the banking and insurance sector.
4+ years DBMS Experience
  • Studied normalization theory and relational algebra.
  • Design of entity-relationship and relational schemas.
  • Developed a multi-user Java database application using Oracle 10g DBMS.
  • Designed a simple CRUD application using Node.js, Express, Sequelize and SQLite.
  • Designed a trading application database in PostgreSQL for storing orders, trades and strategies.
  • Extensive knowledge of distributed SQLite-based web application deployment.



I was hired by Calypt, a subsidiary of LEXFO, as an offensive security consultant. Alongside this, I carry out various internal tool development assignments, several of which are now in production and used on a daily basis.

My interpersonal and technical skills have enabled me to carry out a variety of assignments independently, and then to train my colleagues in the different methodologies used: workstation audits, EDR and NDR evaluations, mapping of external exposure, ...

Working regularly with the CTI team, I take part in the search for information leaks (OSINT) for various Lexfo clients.

Finally, I share a monthly internal newsletter about in-depth technical subjects at Lexfo.

Pentesting Cyber Threat Intelligence Vue.js Go


Calypt internship

I joined Calypt under Valentin Baumont for my end-of-studies internship.

I have been part of web application audits, internal audits (200+ hosts), red team (1600+ domains) which led to the discovery of several critical vulnerabilities : RCE, SQLi, etc. I also conducted phishing campaigns.

I leaded various engineering tasks : a fork of BloodHound to visualize the results of nmap network scans, a fork of AADInternals to improve its data extraction capacities and I architectured an internal pentest collaborative platform.

You can find the presentation of end-of-studies internship here (in French).

Pentesting Go Neo4j PowerShell

Neo4j graph



I designed and developed a trading application which allows the creation, testing and deployment of trading strategies using Technical Analysis (TA) indicators. The project architecture based on Event Sourcing makes very easy the addition of new components to implement risk management strategies. Thanks to Golang built-in concurrency constructs, you can run live strategies and simulations in parallel and control the execution and data flow of multiple live strategies.

I leveraged the pyfolio library to provide insights on the strategy performance.

I have created several API clients (REST and Websockets) to retrieve market data and enabled gRPC interaction with the core application (Go server and Python client).

This project was dockerized and deployed on GCP.

Go Python PostgreSQL gRPC Trading

Design schema Returns

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